Episode 33: Board Meetings | Top 2 Sources of Information
The whole team sits down together and discusses the Top 2 resources where we each get our information.
Episode 32: Ego, Partnerships, and Awareness with Justen Sjong
Justen is an accomplished climber and coach known for his ability to get into a climber's head.
Products I Paid For: Foam Roller Storage Caps
Recently as I've traveled, I've heard the same question over and over while I'm foam rolling in the evening: "Whoa! Why didn't I think of that?"
Episode 31: Devil's Advocate | The Moon Board (featuring Ben Moon)
It's here. The one you've been waiting for. The Moon Board Episode.
Episode 30: If It Ain't Broke, Fix It Anyway with Jonathan Siegrist
It took a ton of courage to completely overhaul a training routine that took him to 14d (9a), but he did it anyway.
If Knowledge Was Power, We'd All Climb V15
A lot of us feel like we know the right answers, but aren’t sure which out of the seemingly endless stream of "right answers" we should be using.
Episode 29: Skin Care with Rhino Skin Solutions
Skin care: you're probably not doing it right.
Episode 28: Community and Fleeting Youth with Cody Roth
Cody Roth talks about how he's climbing better now, even while he isn't in the shape he was in his 20's.
Episode 27: Why Form Matters with Paul Corsaro
Whether it be strength training, climbing, or just sitting at a desk chair, regardless of what you're doing, form matters.
Episode 26: Meghan Baker is a Not So Average Jane
Meghan Baker is a 43 year old mom (to a teenager), who works 50 hours a week, volunteers, and still makes time to train for climbing.
Episode 25: Using Limitations with Craig DeMartino
Despite the odds, Craig Demartino has become a better rock climber after deciding to amputate his leg.
Episode 24: Board Meetings | Top 3 Redpoint Tactics
We discuss our top strategies and tactics for redpointing that can help you approach projects more efficiently.
Episode 23: Life Imitates Art with Miguel Ventura, and special guest Dario Ventura
More than the cheap camping, amazing pizza, and great place to meet partners... Miguel's Pizza is a community.
Episode 22: Integrated Strength Training with Steve Bechtel
Honorary Co-Host Steve Bechtel is back, this time talking about his concept of Integrated Strength Training.
Episode 21: Board Meetings | Top 3 Ways to Balance Climbing with Life
Trying to balance life with climbing is TOUGH WORK.
Episode 20: Common Sense Training with Stevie Haston
LEGEND! Simply put, Stevie Haston is a machine. A simple, hard working, sensible machine.
Episode 19: Board Meetings | Top 3 Things We've Changed Our Minds About
Fact is, if you still believe all of the same things you believed last year, then you're probably fucking up.
Episode 18: V11 to 5.11 with Carrie Cooper, DPT
Boulderer, mom, and physical therapist Carrie Cooper talks process, how she deals with the ego, and what she's learning.
Episode 17: Process vs. Goal Based Motivation with Arno Ilgner
I sit down with Arno Ilgner to discuss the differences between being motivated by goals and being motivated by process.
Episode 16: Always "Siked" with Dru Mack
Stoke is high with Dru Mack, and even though he comes about it naturally, we dig into how he brings that good energy.