We produce several podcasts focused on climbing, and always have more shows in the works.
Learn about them all right here.

The Power Company Climbing Podcast

Hosted by Kris Hampton, this is our flagship show. We’re over 300 episodes and nearly 3 million downloads deep, with several regularly appearing series, including Board Meetings, What When How to Train, Taped Tips, and our newest, REMIX. This show focuses on how to become a better climber. Not just how to get better at climbing, but also how to be a better community member, steward, and partner.

Breaking Beta: The Science of Climbing

Hosts Kris and Paul Corsaro, from Crux Conditioning, get together to explore and explain the science of climbing. They take a look at the papers often cited as useful for climbers and try to tease out what is actually valuable and what might not be. Seasons 1 and 2 are out, with several Better Call Paul episodes between seasons. Stay tuned for Season 3!

Written in Stone: Climbing’s Most Important Ascents

Written In Stone tells the (mostly) true stories of the most groundbreaking ascents in rock climbing history. Hosted by Kris Hampton, you’ll hear the narrated, sound-designed stories about what led to new levels in climbing, alternated with conversations with today’s top climbers about what inspired them about what went down way back then.

Season One is focused on the 1990’s, and will tell the stories of how sport climbing came to dominate, how women climbers made their mark, and explore the characters who made it all happen. Moon, Skinner, Güllich, Hill, Nicole, and more!

Like Todd Skinner always said, “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.”

Illustrated image showing torso and arm of climber wearing blue clothes, pink harness, with light blue quickdraws; white text and pink text "Written In Stone: The 1990s", on yellow background.