Grayscale blueprint or diagram of geometric circles and lines on darker gray background.


Learn to Create More Effective Boulders

Male climber in purple shirt and jeans climbs on steep indoor bouldering wall.

Spray Walls and Boards

Whether it's your home wall, a spray wall at the gym, or one of the many pre-set commercial boards (Moon, Tension, Kilter, Grasshopper, etc), learning to make up your own boulders to fit your needs is essential for growth.

In this course, Kris Hampton and Zach Alexander discuss the many things you'll need to take into consideration - both practical and philosophical - when deciding what makes up those boulders.


Grayscale blueprint style image of a lightbulb on darker gray background with red border.

Blueprints | Knowing Your Objective

The value of intent can't be overstated. Kris and Zach discuss the various objectives for building boulders and the considerations that will need to be taken.

Grayscale image of electrical current (like a horizontal lightning bolt) coming from two exposed electrical wires, with red border.

Sparks | Methods of Making Up Creative Boulders

Figuring out where to start can be the most difficult part. Kris and Zach talk through the many points of inspiration that can spark a great boulder.

Flowchart diagram with rectangles, arrows, and text on light gray background with red border.

Schematics | Rules for Your Wall or Boulders

Creating rules for your wall or individual boulders can be an effective tool - but can also produce limitations you might not be aware of.

Grayscale photo of flames on a dark background with red border.

Flash Points | Actionable Tasks to Get You Started

As a supplement to the Sparks section, you'll receive a checklist of tasks to help you learn to better apply the lessons from Boulder Builder.

Grayscale photograph of many tuning dials on a mixing board, with red border.

Turning the Dials | Creating Specific Difficulties

Many people, when left to their own devices, will repeatedly create boulders of the same style and difficulty. Learn to avoid this trap.

Grayscale photo of many wires connected to bottom of metal electrical box, with red border.

Hardwired | Case Studies of Machine Shop Classics

Kris and Zach examine many of the boulders at their home wall - The Machine Shop. They look at each classic boulder through the lens of the course.

Female climber in teal tank top climbs on steep indoor bouldering wall.

For anyone who climbs on a spray wall or board, and wants to learn to make up their own creative and more effective boulders.

  • 21 individual lessons on theory and practice.

  • Over 3 hours of discussion and example videos.

  • More than 20 case studies from inside the Machine Shop.

  • Checklist of tasks to get you started making up boulders.

  • Ebook of notes and charts from the course.

  • Unlimited access via mobile or computer.

Ready to get started?

View from above of male climber in purple shirt's hand on a hold on an indoor climbing wall.
Boulder Builder
One time

For anyone who climbs on a spray wall or board, and wants to learn to make up their own creative and more effective boulders. Don't be limited to the boulders that are already set when you can be more effective, more efficient, and flex your creativity by setting your own boulders to target exactly what you need.