Board Meetings | Our Favorite Finger Strength Protocols
Kris and Nate discuss their favorite protocols, both that they use themselves and in programming for their clients.
Why Hangboarding Isn't Making Your Hands Stronger
If everything you do is a finger workout, then when do your hands get a chance to recover?
Breaking Beta | Which Finger Strength Protocol is Best for Endurance?
Does this study FINALLY reveal the best hang protocol for climbers?
Breaking Beta | Does Hangboard Training Increase Pinch Strength?
Does hanging on edges also increase pinch strength?
Breaking Beta | Can We Minimize Tendon Injury and Return More Quickly to Climbing?
Can we minimize tendon injury and return more quickly to climbing?
Breaking Beta | Is Finger Pulp the Key to Crimping?
Are thicker fingers actually better for grabbing tiny grips?
Breaking Beta | Is This the Best Hangboard Protocol?
Does this study reveal the best hangboard protocol for climbers?
A Lot of Words About Fingers
Nate provides more depth to the reasoning behind many common finger training methods.
How to Train Contact Strength | A Spectrum of Exercises
A spectrum of exercises to train contact strength.
The Two Things You Need for Climbing Harder
We gathered the data. Here’s what it says about how finger and pulling strength combine for climbing performance.
Power Strips | Level Up Your Campus Training
From coach Nate Drolet and Tension Climbing, the obvious next progression in campus training is here.
Ep. 147: Making Sense of Science for Climbers with Dr. Tyler Nelson
Using science to inform climbing training is becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. Leading that charge is Dr. Tyler Nelson of Camp 4 Human Performance.
Ep. 143 + 144: Top 5 Reasons Hangboarding is Overrated (and also Important)
Hangboarding is OVERRATED. But also important. These are the top 5 reasons why.
Ep. 134: Board Meetings | Should You Train Full Crimp and Pockets?
Many trainers say you shouldn’t. We disagree.
Sleight of Hand: Interchangeable Hangboarding (Video)
In a world where home training setups for climbing are increasingly important, saving space is key.
Episode 118: The Best Hangboard Protocol with Eva Lopez
Researcher, coach, and climber Eva Lopez discusses the reactions to her research about finger strength.
Episode 65: Board Meetings | Five Minute Fingers
The interwebs are going crazy over Andrew Bisharat’s new miracle hangboard program “Five Minute Fingers” and folks have asked for our opinion.
Episode 58: Comparing Hangboard Protocols with Steve Maisch
Steve Maisch discusses different hangboard protocols, when and why to use them, what they can do for you, and where they can go wrong.
Episode 49: A Better Strip of Wood with Tension Climbing
Tension Climbing makes wooden climbing holds. Why wood? That's exactly what I wanted to know.