Lessons from the Library
There are an infinite number of lessons to learn within climbing.
McKenzie Long | Climbing and Our Changing Relationship with Public Lands
McKenzie Long’s love of climbing – and dream of becoming a writer – led her to consider our relationships with public lands.
Board Meetings | 5 Reasons Simple Training is Better with Nadya Suntay
Kris chats with our very own coach Nadya Suntay to remind us why it’s better to keep it simple when it comes to our training.
What When How to Train | Wild Iris Sport Climbing with Leif Gasch
Looking for a summer sport climbing destination? Look no further than Wild Iris, with its high elevation, low humidity, and perfectly-pocketed limestone walls.
REWIND | Beth Rodden on Parenting, Identity, and Climbing
Today we REWIND to this conversation about parenting, identity, and climbing with the great Beth Rodden.
Board Meetings | Top Training Considerations for Routesetters with Jess West
Our very own coach Jess West provides valuable insight as to how setters can smartly and safely train for their goals.
Patty Law | From Belay Check to Gym Ownership
Don’t be fooled by Patty Law’s small frame and soft-spoken demeanor – she’s a fierce climber, mother, entrepreneur, and community cultivator.
Why Strength Training Isn't Making You Climb Harder | Part 2
Use strength to leverage every other aspect of your climbing, not replace them.
REWIND | Tommy Caldwell on Belief and Partnership
7 years later, almost to the day, that Tommy and Kevin topped out the Dawn Wall together, we REWIND to this conversation about belief and partnership with Tommy Caldwell.
REMIX | PROCESS featuring Alex Megos, Sam Elias, Arno Ilgner, and Trevor Ragan
It’s not just all about the journey.
Why Hangboarding Isn't Making Your Hands Stronger
If everything you do is a finger workout, then when do your hands get a chance to recover?
Board Meetings | Surviving the Modern Mega Climbing Gym
Kris and Nate sit down to discuss some of the perks and pitfalls of climbing in today’s modern mega gyms.
Built Outdoors | Wild Iris Mountain Sports
Kris talks with Amy Skinner and Joan Chase about how the founding of Wild Iris Mountain Sports is inextricably linked to the rise of climbing in Lander, Wyoming.
Caitlin Homes | Body Composition for Climbers
Certified Nutrition Specialist Caitlin Holmes discusses body composition, which is often conflated with weight loss and can thus be a very polarizing topic.