Episode 68: Board Meetings | I Wish I Knew Now What I Knew Then
It would be amazing if we kept all our attributes forever, but the reality is that we sometimes stop doing some of the things that made us good to begin with.
Episode 67: The Work Behind The Body with Kelsey K. Sather
Kelsey K. Sather discusses her series of blog posts titled "The Work Behind the Body", a collection of interviews with female outdoor athletes in Bozeman, Montana.
3 Reasons Why Soft Grades Matter
It's exactly the same amount of challenging for you no matter what number anyone attaches to it.
Episode 66: Now What? with Dan John
After you've done your assessments, you've trained and met the standards, you've won or lost, or your season is over... Now What?
Episode 65: Board Meetings | Five Minute Fingers
The interwebs are going crazy over Andrew Bisharat’s new miracle hangboard program “Five Minute Fingers” and folks have asked for our opinion.
You Should Probably Just Try Harder
How often do you give 100%? REALLY give 100%? I make my living coaching climbers, and I seldom see a climber try their hardest. Myself included.
Episode 64: Fixed vs. Growth Mindset with Trevor Ragan from Train Ugly
Trevor Ragan helps us understand the science of learning and how mindset affects it, plus how to actually apply the science.
Episode 63: Belief and Partnership with Tommy Caldwell
So often we don't believe we can do a route because of one difficult move. Now imagine dozens of those moves that take you years to unlock.
Episode 62: The Gnarly Line with Dr. Shannon O'Grady
Dr. Shannon and I discuss the products that Gnarly Nutrition offers.
Episode 61: Protein with Dr. Shannon O'Grady of Gnarly Nutrition
Dr. Shannon O'Grady of Gnarly Nutrition talks protein: why do we need it, how much do we need, and what's the best way to get it.
Episode 60: BCAA's with Dr. Shannon O'Grady of Gnarly Nutrition
Dr. Shannon O'Grady, Ph.D., of Gnarly Nutrition talks us through BCAA’s: what they are, why we need them, how to use them, and more.
Episode 59: Mental Fitness with Alex Honnold and The Warriors Way
Fresh off of his audacious free solo of “Freerider,” Alex Honnold sat down with Arno Ilgner and Jeff Lodas from The Warrior’s Way to discuss his mental preparation.
Episode 58: Comparing Hangboard Protocols with Steve Maisch
Steve Maisch discusses different hangboard protocols, when and why to use them, what they can do for you, and where they can go wrong.
Episode 57: Flow and Mental Mastery with Hazel Findlay
Hazel Findlay has a way of taking mental training concepts that can be tough to connect with and making them seem simple.
Episode 56: Understanding Eating Disorders with Savannah Buik
If you've been around climbing long enough, you know someone who has struggled with an eating disorder.
Limitless Possibilities
If you want to be physically prepared for rock climbing, you need to concern yourself with the following components:
Applied Body Tension: Get More From Your Core.
Our new “Applied Body Tension” ebook will teach you to apply your core strength through your entire body, toes to fingertips.
International Shipping for the Process Journal
Because of the overwhelming response, we've been battling over the best way to ship the journal internationally, so that it's easiest for everyone.
Episode 55: Mental Toughness with Emily Tilden
Emily Tilden is a no-bullshit straight-shooter with a mental tenacity that is sometimes difficult to comprehend.
Episode 54: Feminism in Climbing with Shelma Jun
"Flash Foxy" founder Shelma Jun is an unapologetic force to be reckoned with.