Episode 62: The Gnarly Line with Dr. Shannon O'Grady
The final episode with the Gnarly folks is one I had to talk them into. They just wanted to educate, and I wanted to educate you all about what they have available. So we did both.
In this episode, Dr. Shannon and I discuss the products that Gnarly Nutrition offers. They've got a great line of products that many of you will find useful. Even if you still aren't a supplement person, you may learn something about why supplements are so popular. After using their products myself, I certainly can understand the convenience. I mean, you people are fiends, and that makes me ridiculously busy. So sometimes, I need the convenience.
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Kris and Nate are joined by Lauren and Caitlin of The Average Climber Podcast, to discuss some of the biggest ways climbers get in their own way.
Does using the nutritional supplement beta-alanine improve climbing performance?
Can we minimize tendon injury and return more quickly to climbing?
Climbing has never been purely physical.
Recognizing and dealing with eating disorders in climbing is a prevalent but often ignored issue.
A personal perspective on body image as a climber, from Lauren Abernathy and Kelsey K. Sather.
Registered Dietician Aicacia Young believes that health begins in the gut, and she LOVES to talk about it.
Dr. Allen Lim, sports physiologist, author, and founder of Skratch Labs gives us a simplified breakdown of nutrition and hydration.
Kelsey K. Sather discusses her series of blog posts titled "The Work Behind the Body", a collection of interviews with female outdoor athletes in Bozeman, Montana.
Dr. Shannon and I discuss the products that Gnarly Nutrition offers.
Dr. Shannon O'Grady of Gnarly Nutrition talks protein: why do we need it, how much do we need, and what's the best way to get it.
Dr. Shannon O'Grady, Ph.D., of Gnarly Nutrition talks us through BCAA’s: what they are, why we need them, how to use them, and more.
If you've been around climbing long enough, you know someone who has struggled with an eating disorder.
I blank out immediately when talking the details of nutrition. Not so with our guest today, Neely Quinn.
There is actually a difference between the muscle burn that you feel during intense exercise and true muscle fatigue.
I wanted to give you guys and girls the heads up on these two books so that you can get your hands on them.
Anonymous writes... How important do you think nutrition is when trying to improve/achieve new climbing goals?

A climber since 1994, Kris was a traddie for 12 years before he discovered the gymnastic movement inherent in sport climbing and bouldering. Through dedicated training and practice, he eventually built to ascents of 5.14 and V11.
Kris started Power Company Climbing in 2006 as a place to share training info with his friends, and still specializes in working with full time "regular" folks. He's always available for coaching sessions and training workshops.
Certified Nutrition Specialist Caitlin Holmes discusses body composition, which is often conflated with weight loss and can thus be a very polarizing topic.