Episode 61: Protein with Dr. Shannon O'Grady of Gnarly Nutrition
Dr. Shannon O'Grady of Gnarly Nutrition talks protein: why do we need it, how much do we need, and what's the best way to get it.
Episode 60: BCAA's with Dr. Shannon O'Grady of Gnarly Nutrition
Dr. Shannon O'Grady, Ph.D., of Gnarly Nutrition talks us through BCAA’s: what they are, why we need them, how to use them, and more.
Episode 59: Mental Fitness with Alex Honnold and The Warriors Way
Fresh off of his audacious free solo of “Freerider,” Alex Honnold sat down with Arno Ilgner and Jeff Lodas from The Warrior’s Way to discuss his mental preparation.
Episode 58: Comparing Hangboard Protocols with Steve Maisch
Steve Maisch discusses different hangboard protocols, when and why to use them, what they can do for you, and where they can go wrong.
Episode 57: Flow and Mental Mastery with Hazel Findlay
Hazel Findlay has a way of taking mental training concepts that can be tough to connect with and making them seem simple.
Episode 56: Understanding Eating Disorders with Savannah Buik
If you've been around climbing long enough, you know someone who has struggled with an eating disorder.
Episode 55: Mental Toughness with Emily Tilden
Emily Tilden is a no-bullshit straight-shooter with a mental tenacity that is sometimes difficult to comprehend.
Episode 54: Feminism in Climbing with Shelma Jun
"Flash Foxy" founder Shelma Jun is an unapologetic force to be reckoned with.
Episode 53: Pride or Spray? with Kerry Scott
Kerry is a crusher. And she's not ashamed to "spray" a little.
Episode 52: Common Climbing Injuries with Allison Stowers
PT Allison Stowers talks how to self-diagnose, when to see a doctor about an injury, and most importantly, how to prevent them.
Episode 51: Finger Health with Dr. Lisa Erikson
Fingers are pretty important to us. Dr. Lisa Erikson takes us on a deep dive into the methods behind dealing with finger injuries.
Episode 50: A Coaching Masterclass with Lantien Chu
Lantien Chu is the coach of a high school swim team that has won 21 consecutive state titles.
Episode 49: A Better Strip of Wood with Tension Climbing
Tension Climbing makes wooden climbing holds. Why wood? That's exactly what I wanted to know.
Episodes 46-48: World Cup Pressure with Angie Payne
Pressure. No matter if it's a comp, a project, self-inflicted, or external - we all feel it.
Episode 45: Aggressive Creativity with Jason Kehl
We all like to call climbing an art form, but very few of us take it to the high degree that Jason Kehl does.
Episode 44: Board Meetings | Top 2 Plateau Breakers
Whether it's mental or physical, unless you're a mutant, you've gotten stuck. Well, we have some advice.
Episode 43: Jonah Durham is a Not So Average Joe
Jonah Durham has been very aptly described as "the sweetest kid ever." You could also call him a crusher. Either way, nobody will argue.
Musical Contributor: Ill Poetic
Producer/beat maker/emcee Ill Poetic has very graciously agreed to allow me to use his instrumentals for our "Not So Average" series.
Episode 42: Common Sense Nutrition with Neely Quinn
I blank out immediately when talking the details of nutrition. Not so with our guest today, Neely Quinn.
Episode 41: Board Meetings | Can Everyone Climb V10?
Jon Glassberg recently wrote in a blog that, “Climbing double digits is an attainable goal for any serious climber.” We agree.