Emily Holland | Rediscovering a Love of Climbing

Climbing is complicated. It’s physical, emotional, psychological, and depending on the person, tends to either quiet or amplify the things you have going on outside of climbing. Not to mention, the climbing community can come with it’s own bad habits that might feed your demons.
Emily Holland is a podcast coach and host of the incredible podcast Nature Untold. She tells stories of addiction and recovery in the outdoor community. Today we tell her story. A story of how sobriety helped her find her way back to climbing, and how a supportive community has made all the difference.

In this episode we discuss:
Why climbing was a toxic place for her.
What changed her mindset.
How’s she’s leaning in a little at a time.
The role that sobriety - and Nature Untold - played.
How a caring community can make the difference.
We are a proud founding member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
Today, we rewind to an episode with Hazel Findlay in which she shares strategies for getting into the right mindset to send.
The Red River Gorge Climber’s Coalition could use our help.
Forty years ago, Miguel Ventura moved to Slade, Kentucky and started what was then known as The Rainbow Door, and has become an icon to climbers all over the world.
REWIND with us to meet the internet’s (and pasta lovers’?) favorite Moonboarder, the first person to send all the benchmarks of the 2016 set: Ravioli Biceps.
For most, a 100-foot ground fall would be the end of their lives, or at the very least, the end of their climbing careers. Not so for Craig DeMartino.
35 years after he realized one of his own dreams and jump started the dreams of so many others, we REWIND to this conversation with legend Paul Piana.
We REWIND to this classic conversation with Jonathan about when and why to change things up in your training, and one thing that training should definitely include a whole lot of: climbing.
When it comes to skin care in the climbing world, Rhino Skin Solutions is the one name you need to know.
Seasoned big wall climber Josie McKee returns to discuss how her recent trip to Yosemite turned out, and some of the hurdles that can hold us back from a fulfilling relationship with climbing.
Experienced big wall climber Josie McKee recently found herself with limestone sport climbing as her primary means to train for a Yosemite trip.
We REWIND to this episode with British climbing legend, Stevie Haston.
McKenzie Long’s love of climbing – and dream of becoming a writer – led her to consider our relationships with public lands.
Today we REWIND to this conversation about parenting, identity, and climbing with the great Beth Rodden.
Don’t be fooled by Patty Law’s small frame and soft-spoken demeanor – she’s a fierce climber, mother, entrepreneur, and community cultivator.
7 years later, almost to the day, that Tommy and Kevin topped out the Dawn Wall together, we REWIND to this conversation about belief and partnership with Tommy Caldwell.
Kris talks with Amy Skinner and Joan Chase about how the founding of Wild Iris Mountain Sports is inextricably linked to the rise of climbing in Lander, Wyoming.
Certified Nutrition Specialist Caitlin Holmes discusses body composition, which is often conflated with weight loss and can thus be a very polarizing topic.
During the 8th annual Joe’s Valley Festival, Kris sat down to talk to local legend and longtime crusher Steven Jeffery.
Kris sits down with shaper and setter Roy Quanstrom, of Tension Climbing to talk about his latest holds and more.
Eric Hörst chats about how some big life shifts – retirement, the success of his brand PhysiVantage, and becoming an empty nester – have impacted his climbing and training.
How to use data to inform training decisions had been a topic of debate amongst the Power Company coaches for years, until Data Analyst, Dale Wilson, stepped in to settle the score once and for all.
Sam Prentice, a climber and District Hydrologist for the USDA Forest Service, talks about the alarming rate at which wildfires are destroying the Giant Sequoias.
Prerna’s biggest goal of all — and the one she’s certainly dedicating the most to — is to continue building an empowered community of female climbers in India.
Building community is better business.
Aman Anderson is opening doors to climbing with the BFL Combine.
TCI is working towards the development of climbing worldwide.
Our good friend Lauren Abernathy talks about the challenges of being a female coach in a male-dominated industry.
Andy Leung believes in setting for growth of the community.
Today, we rewind to an episode with Hazel Findlay in which she shares strategies for getting into the right mindset to send.
What makes us feel curious in the face of anxiety, fear, and frustration? It's all in asking the right questions.
The belief that you are getting better at climbing is one of the most important ingredients in actually getting better at climbing.

A climber since 1994, Kris was a traddie for 12 years before he discovered the gymnastic movement inherent in sport climbing and bouldering. Through dedicated training and practice, he eventually built to ascents of 5.14 and V11.
Kris started Power Company Climbing in 2006 as a place to share training info with his friends, and still specializes in working with full time "regular" folks. He's always available for coaching sessions and training workshops.
Allyson Gunsallus is a mom, climber, and director of an upcoming film series that will uncover the issues faced by climbers who are parents.