Episode 126: The Climbing Wall Association Summit with Emily Moore

I'm back in the States and back on the podcast grind. I apologize for the absence. Sort of, but not really. I was rock climbing, and that's gonna win over podcast every time. ANYWAY...
Today's guest is Emily Moore, the Events Manager for the Climbing Wall Association. Last spring I attended the CWA Summit and was blown away by the event. It's what I always hoped Outdoor Retailer would be, but never was. It was not only a networking and meeting space, but also a place for learning from other experts in the industry and for hearing about emerging ideas and conversations.
Emily has a passion for making all of this happen, and she's very good at it. How she does it all so elegantly, I have no idea, but it happens.
Is bringing your phone into the climbing gym worth it? We're conflicted…
If we want to assess our climbing movement skills over time, are the standardized boards the best option? We're conflicted…
There are aspects of climbing outside that lead us into learning specific things that we don't necessarily find as easily indoors.
Forty years ago, Miguel Ventura moved to Slade, Kentucky and started what was then known as The Rainbow Door, and has become an icon to climbers all over the world.
REWIND with us to meet the internet’s (and pasta lovers’?) favorite Moonboarder, the first person to send all the benchmarks of the 2016 set: Ravioli Biceps.
Our very own coach Jess West provides valuable insight as to how setters can smartly and safely train for their goals.
Don’t be fooled by Patty Law’s small frame and soft-spoken demeanor – she’s a fierce climber, mother, entrepreneur, and community cultivator.
Kris and Nate sit down to discuss some of the perks and pitfalls of climbing in today’s modern mega gyms.
Kris sits down with shaper and setter Roy Quanstrom, of Tension Climbing to talk about his latest holds and more.
We talk about the ways the gym doesn’t prepare you for climbing outside, and provide some tips on how you can address this gap.
Building community is better business.
Andy Leung believes in setting for growth of the community.
A 5 hour session might be too long…
Taylor Fragomeni shares lessons she’s learned from routesetting and coaching as a female.
On race, mentorship, tough conversations, and making art.
Deciding to get a home wall is easy. Deciding what to get is much more complicated.
Ravioli Biceps is a Moonboard legend: the only person to complete every Benchmark on the 2016 set.
Building a gym is all about building a community.
Emily Moore is the Events Manager for the Climbing Wall Association. I attended the CWA Summit last spring and was blown away by the event.
Ayo Sopeju is a competitive climber, head setter at The Minneapolis Bouldering Project, and an artist who takes the utmost care with his work.
Nate and Kris discuss how climbers are a product of their environment.
Don't get us wrong... we LOVE gyms. And if your only goal is to be as good as you can in your gym, then you can skip this episode.
Shaper/setter Tonde Katiyo has put quite a bit of thought and care into his craft. He approaches it with both a pragmatism and creativity that often don't exist together.
Nate and I sit down to discuss how we feel about climbing gym grades. Do they matter? Should they be taken seriously?
Routesetting is hard and hard on the body. Jonathan Brandt has continued to improve as a climber while simultaneously running the setting crew at Climb Nashville.

A climber since 1994, Kris was a traddie for 12 years before he discovered the gymnastic movement inherent in sport climbing and bouldering. Through dedicated training and practice, he eventually built to ascents of 5.14 and V11.
Kris started Power Company Climbing in 2006 as a place to share training info with his friends, and still specializes in working with full time "regular" folks. He's always available for coaching sessions and training workshops.
There's a time and place for using beta videos, but in the gym?