Ep. 132: A Business for the People with Dave Chancellor and Yusuf Daneshyar of Climb SoiLL


Every week I get emails asking about how to start a small business in the climbing space. While I do my best to answer these questions, I also have many of my own. Dave and Yusuf, along with Dave's brother Dan, are some of the people I turn to when I have those questions - or just for short chats that I always walk away from with several important ideas. 

Climb SoiLL is opening a new gym, and as a community-based business, I wanted to know how that process has been - as well as the building of a business successful enough to expand in the first place. 

I sit down with Dave and Yusuf the morning after an exciting and packed SoiLL Showdown to talk through the building of a business and a loyal community. 

The new location, a blank slate.

The new location, a blank slate.

The SoiLL Showdown

The SoiLL Showdown

Kris Hampton

A climber since 1994, Kris was a traddie for 12 years before he discovered the gymnastic movement inherent in sport climbing and bouldering.  Through dedicated training and practice, he eventually built to ascents of 5.14 and V11. 

Kris started Power Company Climbing in 2006 as a place to share training info with his friends, and still specializes in working with full time "regular" folks.  He's always available for coaching sessions and training workshops.


Ep. 134: Board Meetings | Should You Train Full Crimp and Pockets?


Episodes 130 and 131: Adapting with Maureen Beck