CONFLICTED | Indoor Beta Videos
There's a time and place for using beta videos, but in the gym?
CONFLICTED | Phones in the Climbing Gym
Is bringing your phone into the climbing gym worth it? We're conflicted…
CONFLICTED | Boards as Climbing Movement Assessment Tools
If we want to assess our climbing movement skills over time, are the standardized boards the best option? We're conflicted…
Board Meetings | Top Training Considerations for Routesetters with Jess West
Our very own coach Jess West provides valuable insight as to how setters can smartly and safely train for their goals.
Board Meetings | Surviving the Modern Mega Climbing Gym
Kris and Nate sit down to discuss some of the perks and pitfalls of climbing in today’s modern mega gyms.
Roy Quanstrom | Translating Movement Through Shaping and Setting
Kris sits down with shaper and setter Roy Quanstrom, of Tension Climbing to talk about his latest holds and more.
Board Meetings | The Gym to Crag Performance Gap
We talk about the ways the gym doesn’t prepare you for climbing outside, and provide some tips on how you can address this gap.
Board Meetings | The Pros and Cons of Gamifying Climbing
Not all games are created equal.
Board Meetings | Top 5 Ways to Shorten Climbing Sessions Without Sacrificing Quality
A 5 hour session might be too long…
Board Meetings | Stop Blaming the Routesetters
Maybe it’s you…