Garlic Salt and Good Advice
There is a common theme between a grilled cheese sandwich and good training advice.
What's Your Problem?
The more accurately we define our problems, the more approachable it will feel to find solutions.
If Nothing Else...
Maybe the most understated way of getting better is to build fallback successes into your plan.
Should Climbers Be Well-Rounded?
How much time should climbers spend becoming more well rounded vs. improving their strengths?
You Aren't Strong Without Strengths
As cool as assessments and standards are, they can easily leave people settling for “good enough” when they have the potential to do much more.
10 Steps to Better Pattern Recognition
Being able to quickly recognize familiar sequences is a crucial ingredient to harder climbing.
How to Climb Harder: What Data From Over 600 Climbers Tells Us
Climber performance metrics only tell a small part of a much more complex human story.
What One-Star Book Reviews Teach Us About Training
It’s far more comfortable for us to blame ignorance for our lack of progress than it is to blame our own efforts.
Ten Minutes to Trying Harder
Once you learn the power of good tactics it can be hard to step away from them.
The Biggest Red Flag of 2019/2022
Of all the people that I spoke with this year who were stuck in plateaus, many of them had the same thing in common: they climbed and trained alone.
Build In Wins
The belief that you are getting better at climbing is one of the most important ingredients in actually getting better at climbing.
The "First Draft" Approach to Sport Climbing
How many times have you gone up a route and felt overwhelmed, only to look back and realize that it’s not as intimidating as it initially seemed?
Training for the Future
Most of us go into a training plan or an outdoor season with an expectation, but expecting results can make us brittle when problems arise.
Advice Has an Angle
Whenever there is a training article online or some tidbit of knowledge on social media, it’s important that you consider the context.
Skills of Perception: Part 3
At a certain stage in climbing, the hand and foot beta you use stops being the deciding factor in whether or not you are successful.
Skills of Perception: Part 2
The intermediate climber’s problem with perception starts to arise when they can’t recall all of the solutions they have attempted during the problem solving process.
Skills of Perception: Part 1
If you want to get the most out of your skill work and practice, being able to remember what you tried is a great first step.
Future Problems
Well-intentioned brainstorming about improving ourselves can quickly devolve into avoiding the challenge in front of us.
Why Did That Work So Well?
You’ll get more value out of replicating the times that things go well than you will from dwelling on the bad days.