Why Strength Training Isn’t Making You Climb Harder
Climbers will dedicate years to getting “strong enough” when what they really need is to learn how to apply the strength they already have.
Why Aren't You Worse at Climbing?
If you want better answers, start by asking better questions.
How to Set Limit Boulder Projects on a Spray Wall
It’s all about manipulating the right variables.
A Lot of Words About Fingers
Nate provides more depth to the reasoning behind many common finger training methods.
How to Train Contact Strength | A Spectrum of Exercises
A spectrum of exercises to train contact strength.
Metrics for Climbers | Strength and Endurance Standards
Useful data for coaches and climbers.
Lor Sabourin | Finding Joy in Improbable Goals
“This season, I chose a different path. I decided to invest in my body and recognize the work that it did for me."
The Two Things You Need for Climbing Harder
We gathered the data. Here’s what it says about how finger and pulling strength combine for climbing performance.
Not All Pyramids Are Built the Same
Improvement comes from challenges, not from the number they are given. If you focus on being challenged and trying hard, then the numbers will follow.
Your True Climbing Age | How I Wasted 6 Years of Climbing
“How much better would you be if you had all of those days back?”
Success vs. Mastery | Simple Ways to Become a Better Climber
Skaters do one important thing much better than climbers: they chase mastery instead of success.
How Attorney Herman Watson Climbed His First 5.14
When you think of a 5.14 climber, a trial lawyer taking work calls on his drive to Idaho is not the first person that comes to mind.
Simple Training for Climbing During Covid-19
Training doesn’t have to stop just because your gym is closed.
Climbers on Body Image
A personal perspective on body image as a climber, from Lauren Abernathy and Kelsey K. Sather.
Improve your Climbing by Traveling
Travel can bring you to new rock with new styles in new places, all of which can improve your climbing.