Board Meetings | Should Climbers Generalize or Specialize?
When should you be growing your skill set and when should you be focused on one aspect of it?
Taped Tips | Difficulties Should Be Desirable
The difficulties of a task should be such that they help the learner translate the skill to performance.
Taped Tips | I Said What I S.A.I.D.
We think we know exactly what climbing looks like. We’ve zeroed in on the details. And in this case, it really isn’t those details that matter.
A Lot of Words About Fingers
Nate provides more depth to the reasoning behind many common finger training methods.
Episodes 83-87: Board Meetings | Common Sense vs. Common Practice
Five days. Five episodes. One theme. Common sense isn't always common practice.
ATTACKtics: The Warm Up.
More important than your coffee in the morning - ok, maybe not quite that important - is how you warm up.
Reader Question: Rest Times, Part II
Rob asks: When performing 4x4's or any type of interval training I always question what my rest interval should be?
Specificity Within Training.
In a sport as complex as climbing, can you even begin to train simply? You can, but you have to boil it down to specifics.
Reader Questions: New Place, New Plan. Keep it Personal.
Another reader writes in with questions to be answered.
The SAID Principle is one of the simplest, most important concepts in sports training.