Board Meetings | Principle vs. Prescription in Climbing Training
How do you know which is right for your situation?
Board Meetings | Should Climbers Train Where They Are or Where They Want To Be?
Starting where you are is an important first step that is often missed.
Hooked on a Feeling
Inspiration is intoxicating, but often fades as quickly as it shows up.
Taped Tips | 5 Simple Ways to Climb Harder
There’s A LOT of great information out there on how to climb harder. But it’s tough to sort through…
Taped Tips | Go Ahead, Grab That Foothold and Be Adaptable
Learning when and how to compensate for a weakness is a skill. And skills need to be practiced.
REWIND | Hazel Findlay on Flow, Attention and Letting the Body Climb
Today, we rewind to an episode with Hazel Findlay in which she shares strategies for getting into the right mindset to send.
Bill Ramsey's Pain Box for Climbers: How to Try Harder
Achieving hard things requires sacrifice.
REMIX | PROCESS featuring Alex Megos, Sam Elias, Arno Ilgner, and Trevor Ragan
It’s not just all about the journey.
Board Meetings | Top Ways Climbers are Holding Themselves Back with The Average Climber Podcast
Kris and Nate are joined by Lauren and Caitlin of The Average Climber Podcast, to discuss some of the biggest ways climbers get in their own way.
Training for the Future
Most of us go into a training plan or an outdoor season with an expectation, but expecting results can make us brittle when problems arise.
Skills of Perception: Part 3
At a certain stage in climbing, the hand and foot beta you use stops being the deciding factor in whether or not you are successful.
Skills of Perception: Part 2
The intermediate climber’s problem with perception starts to arise when they can’t recall all of the solutions they have attempted during the problem solving process.
Skills of Perception: Part 1
If you want to get the most out of your skill work and practice, being able to remember what you tried is a great first step.
Breaking Beta | Did You Punt Because Your Focus is On the Wrong Thing?
“You’re overthinking it.” But is your overthinking actually costing you the send?
Breaking Beta | Do Our Abilities Alter How We Perceive Hold and Move Size?
Can how well we climb actually change how difficult a move looks to us?
Future Problems
Well-intentioned brainstorming about improving ourselves can quickly devolve into avoiding the challenge in front of us.
Why Did That Work So Well?
You’ll get more value out of replicating the times that things go well than you will from dwelling on the bad days.