Episode 128: Mentorship with Dru Mack and Lee Smith

In this episode I sit down for an emotional conversation with my good friends Dru Mack and Lee Smith about the interesting topic of mentorship. How it starts, what it means, and what happens when the student surpasses the teacher.
Some say that mentorship is dying. I'm not sure that's true, although mentors are definitely outnumbered by new climbers these days. As such, it's evolving into something entirely different. Dru and Lee's relationship has straddled these changes, and has evolved into something totally new. Something that while it may not look the same on the outside, has to be founded in trust and direction.
Building community is better business.
On race, mentorship, tough conversations, and making art.
Some say that mentorship is dying. I'm not sure that's true, although mentors are definitely outnumbered by new climbers these days.
Nate and Kris discuss how climbers are a product of their environment.
Dru Mack was given a list by JStar that is a surefire way to develop into a better climber. Now he’s made some lists for you.
"A good coach-athlete relationship means that coaches allow themselves to not always be right..." - Madeleine Eppensteiner | Climbing Psychology
Taylor Reed and Bella Jariel set the bar high for being a successful coach/climber team. Taylor has helped coach Bella to big success on the international stage.
Jonah Durham has been very aptly described as "the sweetest kid ever." You could also call him a crusher. Either way, nobody will argue.
Everybody’s favorite Red River climber Dru Mack is back in the building, and this time we're talking about something he knows all too well: endurance climbing.
Some say that mentorship is dying. I'm not sure that's true, although mentors are definitely outnumbered by new climbers these days.
We sit down with Dru Mack to discuss something that we are all far too well versed in: the 5 Most Common Redpoint Pitfalls that we see climbers get trapped in.
Dru Mack was given a list by JStar that is a surefire way to develop into a better climber. Now he’s made some lists for you.
Stoke is high with Dru Mack, and even though he comes about it naturally, we dig into how he brings that good energy.

A climber since 1994, Kris was a traddie for 12 years before he discovered the gymnastic movement inherent in sport climbing and bouldering. Through dedicated training and practice, he eventually built to ascents of 5.14 and V11.
Kris started Power Company Climbing in 2006 as a place to share training info with his friends, and still specializes in working with full time "regular" folks. He's always available for coaching sessions and training workshops.
35 years after he realized one of his own dreams and jump started the dreams of so many others, we REWIND to this conversation with legend Paul Piana.