Episode 103: Return of The Mack | The List with Dru Mack and Special Guests


My good friend and Episode 16 guest Dru Mack stopped by during the International Climbers Festival in Lander to chat, and of course the conversation turned to climbing. He told me about a list that Jonathan Siegrist had created for him - a list that is a surefire way to make sure that Dru's development as a climber isn't lacking. 

I needed to know more, so I sat down with Dru, Nate, and our friend John Wesely to discuss the list, and the potential growth (and pitfalls) that might be involved in the attempts at completing the list.  There's also some very important commentary from a special guest. 

We always have a lot of fun in this podcast, but this episode was particularly fun to record and put together. I've known Dru since his first 5.12's, so it's fun to see him progressing both in climbing and in life.  Dru has become a Red River superstar, and well on his way to taking that to a larger platform. Since JStar so graciously offered his help, we thought it would be great if Dru came up with similar lists for the up and coming Red River Climbers.

Dru drafted his lists, Nate and I critiqued, and eventually the lists were finalized. We wanted to follow the format JStar had put forth - some of the routes are going to feel hard for the grade. Some of them are going to teach you new skills. You'll learn from every one of them. 

So download them to your phone, print them out, stash them in your guidebook. Have Dru sign your copy when you see him. 

Dru’s List from JStar

  • Golden 14b Cathedral

  • F Dude 14a VRG

  • Closing Down 14a Mt. Charleston

  • Scarface 14a Smith

  • White Wedding 13d/14a Smith

  • Dead Souls 13d/14a American Fork

  • Zulu 14a Rifle

  • Living in Fear/Living the Dream 13d/14a Rifle

  • Rodeo Free Europe 14a Wild Iris

  • Third Millenium 14a The Monastery

  • The Bleeding 14b Mill Creek

Kris Hampton

A climber since 1994, Kris was a traddie for 12 years before he discovered the gymnastic movement inherent in sport climbing and bouldering.  Through dedicated training and practice, he eventually built to ascents of 5.14 and V11. 

Kris started Power Company Climbing in 2006 as a place to share training info with his friends, and still specializes in working with full time "regular" folks.  He's always available for coaching sessions and training workshops.


Progressing Core Workouts Part 1: Using Correct Form


Episode 102: Q and A with Steve Bechtel, Neely Quinn, Tyler Nelson, Charlie Manganiello, and Kelly Drager