Episode 4: Kettlebells for Climbers with Paul Corsaro
Strength coach and kettlebell instructor Paul Corsaro talks about why kettlebells can be a useful strength tool for climbers.
Start Here:
It’s fair to say that most climbers would improve if they followed three rules…
Even Good Beta Spray is Bad Beta Spray
Even the sprayers with good intentions might be harming you.
Episode 3: Coming Back Stronger with Rannveig Aamodt
I sit down with Rannveig Aamodt and talk about her impressive road to recovery after a terrible accident.
That New Car Scent
We're here. Finally. There is still much work to be done. That's just the beginning. But we're here.
Adding to the Family: Nate Drolet
I need good people involved who really care, and who want to help people succeed. Nate Drolet is that guy.
Episode 2: Resistance Training with Steve Bechtel
I sit down with Steve Bechtel at his gym in Lander, Wyoming, to talk resistance training for climbers.
Episode 1: Going Big with Carlo Traversi
In this, our inaugural episode of The Power Company Podcast, we talk with pro climber Carlo Traversi.
Podcast. Episode Zero?
I suppose it's high time we get this thing started: The Power Company Podcast.
Sandbagged: Are You Kidding Yourself?
It's the new buzzword that's been around forever: sandbagged.
Review: Skratch Labs Hydration Mix
It's real fruit. It's real energy. It's real. Just real.
Chalk Talk Podcast
I sat down and had a great conversation with John Blomquist from the "Chalk Talk" Podcast.
The #1 Reason Why Your Climbing Training Doesn't Work
Fact is, I train hard. I train smart.
Broken Wing: 122 Days Post Surgery: Feeling More Whole.
The "little" exercises that I was capable of just got much bigger.
Campusing, Part IV: Programming
So we’ve talked about campusing, but how do we actually implement it?
Broken Wing: 58 Days Post Surgery (It's the Little Things)
It's interesting how fast perspective can shift when one's situation is altered.
The Importance of Daniel Woods and The Bubble Wrap Project.
Prepare yourself; this isn't your typical bouldering video: it's indoors.
Campusing, Part III: Plyometrics
Not many people who are campusing understand exactly what plyometrics are.