Episode 100: How To Weekend Warrior with Kris Hampton Hosted by Nate Drolet
We're flipping the script for our 100th episode. Nate takes over the host mic, and I do my best to let him lead the conversation.
Episode 99: Setting for the Future with Tonde Katiyo
Shaper/setter Tonde Katiyo has put quite a bit of thought and care into his craft. He approaches it with both a pragmatism and creativity that often don't exist together.
A Sports Psychologist Looks at Episode 90: The Coach/Climber Dynamic
"A good coach-athlete relationship means that coaches allow themselves to not always be right..." - Madeleine Eppensteiner | Climbing Psychology
Episode 98: Diversity in Climbing with Brown Girls Climb Leaders Bethany Lebewitz, Monserrat Alvarez, and Sasha McGhee
Brown Girls Climb aims to promote and increase visibility of diversity in climbing by establishing community, encouraging leadership, and creating inclusive opportunities.
Episode 97: Board Meetings | The Art of the 2nd Try Send
Sending a route 2nd try is NOT THE SAME as the 2nd Try Send. The difference isn't even subtle.
Episode 96: Project 9b with Jorg Verhoeven
If you aren't aware of Jorg Verhoeven, it's likely that you don't pay all that much attention to climbing.
Episode 95: Engaging Minority Youth in Climbing with Ryan Gagnon and Valerie McDonough
Ryan Gagnon brings data-driven research and infectious enthusiasm to his programs built to introduce and engage minority youth in climbing.
Episode 94: Bouldering, Through a Different Lens with John Sherman
We sit down in Hueco Tanks with bouldering pioneer John Sherman to discuss California Condors, his lengthy list of accomplishments, and his most infamous creation: the V scale.
Episode 93: Being Good Climbing Partners with Scott Pagel and Tyler Algeo
A good climbing partner can be your greatest asset. If you dispute this, it's probably because you've never had as great a partner as Scott or Tyler.
Episode 92: Health Starts in the Gut with Aicacia Young, RDN
Registered Dietician Aicacia Young believes that health begins in the gut, and she LOVES to talk about it.
Episode 91: Board Meetings | Do Climbing Gym Grades Matter?
Nate and I sit down to discuss how we feel about climbing gym grades. Do they matter? Should they be taken seriously?
Episode 90: The Coach/Climber Dynamic with Taylor Reed and Bella Jariel
Taylor Reed and Bella Jariel set the bar high for being a successful coach/climber team. Taylor has helped coach Bella to big success on the international stage.
Episode 89: Become a Better Climber with Peter Bonamici
Peter Bonamici is a midwest bouldering legend.
Episode 88: Climb Injury Free Pt. 1 | Mobility with Dr. Jared Vagy
In this 3 part series we're going to dig into the concepts behind the easy to follow system of prehab and rehab that Dr. Vagy has built.
Episodes 83-87: Board Meetings | Common Sense vs. Common Practice
Five days. Five episodes. One theme. Common sense isn't always common practice.
The Send is a Necessary Piece of the Process
It's the journey that matters most. Or is it?
Episode 82: Board Meetings | 3 Things We've Learned From Better Climbers with Guest Host Edwin Teran
Continued from yesterday's Episode 81, Edwin and I come up with our Top 3 things we've learned from climbing with better climbers.
Episode 81: Learning from Better Climbers with Edwin Teran
Climbing is unique in that we get to share the playing field with the best in the game. If we pay close attention to what the better climbers at the crag are doing, we can learn a lot.
Episode 80: Assessments with Steve Maisch
Salt Lake climber and coach Steve Maisch had some of the first assessments I remember seeing online, and we go into how he's added, subtracted, and refined those.
Episode 79: Board Meetings | When To Say Take
There are appropriate times to say "Take!" There are also instances when saying it is only slowing your progress.