Breaking Beta | Are We Doing the Right Things When Warming Up for Climbing?
What does science say about warming up before performance?
Breaking Beta | Is Flexibility a Good Metric for Climbers?
Is flexibility a good determinant for climbing performance?
Breaking Beta | Does Stretching Result in Power Loss?
Does static stretching really reduce strength and power?
Ep. 149: Dr. Jared Vagy on Stretching, Prehab, and Other Hot Topics
For Dr. Vagy’s third appearance on the podcast, we tackle some myths and hot topics about training for climbing.
Episode 88: Climb Injury Free Pt. 1 | Mobility with Dr. Jared Vagy
In this 3 part series we're going to dig into the concepts behind the easy to follow system of prehab and rehab that Dr. Vagy has built.
Episode 52: Common Climbing Injuries with Allison Stowers
PT Allison Stowers talks how to self-diagnose, when to see a doctor about an injury, and most importantly, how to prevent them.
Pushing Through The Tweaks, Twinges, and Pains: Shoulders
Shoulders are a tricky joint. A big muscular shoulder means absolutely nothing when it comes to injuries.