Episode 1: Going Big with Carlo Traversi
In this, our inaugural episode of The Power Company Podcast, we talk with pro climber Carlo Traversi.
Podcast. Episode Zero?
I suppose it's high time we get this thing started: The Power Company Podcast.
Sandbagged: Are You Kidding Yourself?
It's the new buzzword that's been around forever: sandbagged.
Chalk Talk Podcast
I sat down and had a great conversation with John Blomquist from the "Chalk Talk" Podcast.
The #1 Reason Why Your Climbing Training Doesn't Work
Fact is, I train hard. I train smart.
The Top 5 Bad Gym Habits of Sport Climbers
While in the gym, for the most part, boulderers are closer than sport climbers to training the correct way.
You Aren't Actually Training.
You aren’t training. You’re working out. There’s a difference.
Keeping Perspective for the Weekend Warrior.
It's easy to get discouraged by how quickly the pros seem to put down the hardest projects.
Yesterday I Went Shopping. Talk Is Still Cheap.
I get it. Talking is easier than doing. What it isn't, however, is nearly as satisfying.
Don't Squash The Banana: Commitment
Nate snapped the banana in half. Clean break, right through the middle. Like a ninja.
Selective Learning: The Short-Sighted Approach
You can almost always find a reason to continue training the short-sighted way.
How Your Friends Are Holding You Back
There is NO single workout that any group of people can follow to get the optimum results for each of them.
Training Wheels: How to Climb Harder than the Other Newbs
Newbs, rejoice! You get a whole post. A short one, but your very own set of training wheels.
Climb Better Faster: The Magic Bullet
So how do you get better faster? There's a simple answer. You don't.
Train Wreck: 5 Ways to Derail Your Training
After much deliberation over a list of about 25, I've decided on the 5 ways I see experienced climbers derail their progression.
If You Aren't Making Progress, You're Probably Making Excuses.
I hear them coming from every corner of the gym… excuses.
The False Ceiling: Has Your Skill Set Limited Your Training Gains?
The fact is, you WILL NEVER get to within earshot of your potential if you don't have a complete skill set.
Our egos are ruthless. I've seen climbers stop a workout early because they didn't want to "look bad".