Episode 52: Common Climbing Injuries with Allison Stowers
PT Allison Stowers talks how to self-diagnose, when to see a doctor about an injury, and most importantly, how to prevent them.
Episode 51: Finger Health with Dr. Lisa Erikson
Fingers are pretty important to us. Dr. Lisa Erikson takes us on a deep dive into the methods behind dealing with finger injuries.
Episode 42: Common Sense Nutrition with Neely Quinn
I blank out immediately when talking the details of nutrition. Not so with our guest today, Neely Quinn.
Episode 25: Using Limitations with Craig DeMartino
Despite the odds, Craig Demartino has become a better rock climber after deciding to amputate his leg.
Episode 3: Coming Back Stronger with Rannveig Aamodt
I sit down with Rannveig Aamodt and talk about her impressive road to recovery after a terrible accident.
Broken Wing: 122 Days Post Surgery: Feeling More Whole.
The "little" exercises that I was capable of just got much bigger.
Broken Wing: 58 Days Post Surgery (It's the Little Things)
It's interesting how fast perspective can shift when one's situation is altered.
Leather and Lace: A Comeback Story
If you've ever been to "24 Hours of Horseshoe Hell", then you've no doubt heard of Dick Dower and Natalie Neal Dower.
Broken Wing: 28 Days Post Surgery (A Tale of Atrophy)
When you aren't using muscles, your body has zero interest in maintaining them.
Broken Wing: Post 1
I’m headed to the hospital for rotator cuff surgery, specifically to repair a full thickness labrum tear as well as a full thickness supraspinatus tear.
Of Shoulders, Elbows, and More To Come...
I know you've all been training hard, and I just want to be sure you aren't getting sidelined by some silly overuse injury.
Why Climbing Is Bad For Your Health
One comment I often get is that a client wants to train hard and be dedicated to climbing while remaining healthy and injury free.
Campusing = Healthy Elbows?
Campusing is precisely how my first round of bad elbow problems began.
Pushing Through The Tweaks, Twinges, and Pains: Shoulders.
Shoulders are a tricky joint. A big muscular shoulder means absolutely nothing when it comes to injuries.
Pushing Through the Tweaks, Twinges, and Pains: Fingers and Elbows.
All of us are going to get hurt at some point.