Episode 123: Board Meetings | Top 5 Reasons for Climbers to Strength Train
It has become accepted that climbers should be lifting weights to maximize our athletic potential. But why exactly? Our coach Paul Corsaro is here to explain.
Episode 27: Why Form Matters with Paul Corsaro
Whether it be strength training, climbing, or just sitting at a desk chair, regardless of what you're doing, form matters.
Episode 8: Deadlifting with Steve Bechtel and Charlie Manganiello
Steve Bechtel and his co-author Charlie Manganiello tell us how, why, and when deadlifting is beneficial for climbers.
Episode 4: Kettlebells for Climbers with Paul Corsaro
Strength coach and kettlebell instructor Paul Corsaro talks about why kettlebells can be a useful strength tool for climbers.
Episode 2: Resistance Training with Steve Bechtel
I sit down with Steve Bechtel at his gym in Lander, Wyoming, to talk resistance training for climbers.
Strength Training: The 4 Basic Movements You Should Be Doing.
Simply put, strength training should be a key part of your training, but not your entire plan.
Deadlifting for Climbing: Truth or Trend?
Climbers everywhere are doing it. But why? Will it make you a better climber?