Juliet Hammer | Grades, Body Comments, and Internet Trolls

Juliet Hammer is a straight up crusher, with over 30 double digit boulders under her belt. Still, she isn't immune to the dark side of the internet. The side which so regularly has to push their "expertise" on grades and climbing. Many of these people are too incompetent to understand how incompetent they are - the Dunning-Kruger Effect. And their comments can be harmful to not only the original poster, but anyone who reads them.
In this episode, Juliet and I unpack a recent reel she posted to Instagram, of a V10 gym boulder, that brought the trolls out.
Melissa Ruiz has been climbing and competing for six years and recently started climbing outside. To put it lightly, she is stoked.
This week we're watching In Sequence: Katie Lamb and the Craft of Hard Bouldering from Patagonia Films!
Allyson Gunsallus is a mom, climber, and director of an upcoming film series that will uncover the issues faced by climbers who are parents.
Lauren Abernathy, coach and owner of Good Spray Climbing, works hard to help her clients – and herself – become better climbers.
Today, we rewind to an episode with Hazel Findlay in which she shares strategies for getting into the right mindset to send.
Seasoned big wall climber Josie McKee returns to discuss how her recent trip to Yosemite turned out, and some of the hurdles that can hold us back from a fulfilling relationship with climbing.
Experienced big wall climber Josie McKee recently found herself with limestone sport climbing as her primary means to train for a Yosemite trip.
McKenzie Long’s love of climbing – and dream of becoming a writer – led her to consider our relationships with public lands.
Today we REWIND to this conversation about parenting, identity, and climbing with the great Beth Rodden.
Don’t be fooled by Patty Law’s small frame and soft-spoken demeanor – she’s a fierce climber, mother, entrepreneur, and community cultivator.
Kris talks with Amy Skinner and Joan Chase about how the founding of Wild Iris Mountain Sports is inextricably linked to the rise of climbing in Lander, Wyoming.
Certified Nutrition Specialist Caitlin Holmes discusses body composition, which is often conflated with weight loss and can thus be a very polarizing topic.
Kris and fellow Power Company coach, Taylor Fragomeni, discuss how you can make the transition from indoor to outdoor climbing easier on yourself.
Kris and Nate are joined by Lauren and Caitlin of The Average Climber Podcast, to discuss some of the biggest ways climbers get in their own way.
Prerna’s biggest goal of all — and the one she’s certainly dedicating the most to — is to continue building an empowered community of female climbers in India.
Our good friend Lauren Abernathy talks about the challenges of being a female coach in a male-dominated industry.
100 Boulders and Mango Tango: Kerry Scott gets after it. Consistently.
Juliet Hammer is no stranger to crushing double-digit boulders, and unfortunately, to dealing with internet haters, too.
Friends and activists Devin and Briana are doing the work in a social media world.
Climbing has never been purely physical.
Recognizing and dealing with eating disorders in climbing is a prevalent but often ignored issue.
Taylor Fragomeni shares lessons she’s learned from routesetting and coaching as a female.
Joslynn Corredor is helping women rediscover their athletic identity.
Genevive Walker is unapologetic. She knows that it takes all types to make change, and she has the unique ability to be many of those types all at once.
Brittany Leavitt is an educator. By profession, by passion, and by choice.
Cancer survivor. Pathologist. Climber. Ninja Warrior. Favia Dubyk is a force.
Are you injured? Or is your brain just telling you that you are?
Australian climber Anna Davey has big goals, and the dedication to get there.
As climbers, we fail a lot. And yet, we don’t even like to hear the word.
In an ideal world, grades would be objective and we’d have some universal formula for how they’re decided. But we don't live in an ideal world.
Juliet Hammer is no stranger to crushing double-digit boulders, and unfortunately, to dealing with internet haters, too.

A climber since 1994, Kris was a traddie for 12 years before he discovered the gymnastic movement inherent in sport climbing and bouldering. Through dedicated training and practice, he eventually built to ascents of 5.14 and V11.
Kris started Power Company Climbing in 2006 as a place to share training info with his friends, and still specializes in working with full time "regular" folks. He's always available for coaching sessions and training workshops.
Joy Black is a strength and climbing coach specializing in working with pregnant and postpartum climbers.