Review: Transgression Hangboard by Eva Lopez
The Transgression and Progression Hangboards by Eva Lopez, are the first in some time to depart from the "little bit of every grip type" design.
Pushing Through The Tweaks, Twinges, and Pains: Shoulders
Shoulders are a tricky joint. A big muscular shoulder means absolutely nothing when it comes to injuries.
Pushing Through the Tweaks, Twinges, and Pains: Fingers and Elbows
All of us are going to get hurt at some point.
Bare Naked Hangboarding
Heading into this summer of training, I've made some drastic changes for the simpler concerning the hangboard.
Simplified. The New Plan.
My thoughts on training had gotten maybe too complicated. Too many exercises, not enough focus on the basics.
The Specialist: Hangboarding with Ryan Palo
Should I be investing more time and focus on the hangboard and other sport specific exercises? Ryan Palo answers.
Hypertrophy for Climbing Part 2: Forearms, Fingers, and The Amended Program.
Anonymous said:What are you doing in terms of forearms, the weakest link for probably 99% of climbers?
Hypertrophy for Climbing Part 1: Stronger, Not Bigger.
Build the muscles, then ask them to work harder... that's the plan.
Reader Question: The Stopwatch, and Why It Should Be Your Best Friend.
Brett asks: What is the rationale behind the amount of rest between sets?