Round 1. Ding.... Ding.

I've tried this blog thing before. It only worked a little bit, here and there, and I was just never excited about it. Frankly, I just had no focus. Trying to blog a hodge podge of life just isn't what I want to do... so I didn't.


This one might just be different. It'll focus on something I do often... something I'm passionate about and immersed in. And if I'm in a room full of like-minded folk, something I can talk about till my jaws hurt.

Training for rockclimbing.

So, without further adieu, let me welcome you to The Power Company.

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Kris Hampton

A climber since 1994, Kris was a traddie for 12 years before he discovered the gymnastic movement inherent in sport climbing and bouldering.  Through dedicated training and practice, he eventually built to ascents of 5.14 and V11. 

Kris started Power Company Climbing in 2006 as a place to share training info with his friends, and still specializes in working with full time "regular" folks.  He's always available for coaching sessions and training workshops.
