Training Beta Podcast
Just wanted to give you guys a heads up: if you aren't already following the Training Beta podcast, the new episode, which is a conversation I had with Neely, is up! Check it out!
System Boarding, Part II: What
How tall, how wide, what angle, and perhaps most difficult, which holds and in which configuration?
They Like Me! They Really Like Me!
For all of you Facebookers, we now have an official Facebook page.
This is Where My Time Goes...
This is not about training. Fact is, I just wanted to share.
System Boarding, Part I: Why and How
I test my theory that a better way to system board for power would be to treat it more like bouldering, but on mirror-image symmetrical walls.
Review: Acid Rain Pinches from Vision Climbing
Vision Climbing sent over a set of their Acid Rain Pinches for our reviewing pleasure.
Endurance Training for Climbers Looking to Break the 5.11 or 5.12 Barriers
Our first training program is live and available for purchase for just $24 on!
Introducing: TrainingBeta
Neely was looking for trainers to write training programs, so we talked out the specifics, and I got to work.
Of Shoulders, Elbows, and More To Come...
I know you've all been training hard, and I just want to be sure you aren't getting sidelined by some silly overuse injury.
High/Low Scheduling
I've gotten several questions about my schedule during my High/Low training so let's talk a little about how I created it.
Engine Room Sneak Peak and Upcoming Reviews
Our new training space, "The Engine Room," is mostly complete, and it is exactly what we'd been missing.
Review: Gimme Kraft!
I got my hands on this new book from Patrick Matros and Dicki Korb, trainers and coaches of Alex Megos.
The Cross-Training Dilemma
If you believe that cross-training will help you become a better climber, keep reading.
High/Low: Did it Work?
The question you all want to know: Being as I trained no power endurance, how did it affect my power endurance for the season?
Review: Atomik Bombs from Atomik Climbing Holds
Atomik Climbing Holds generously shipped out the entire line of their Atomik Bombs for us to check out.
The High/Low Approach, Part IV: Falling Into The Middle
The High/Low Approach to training for climbing is much more challenging than first meets the eye.
Beware The Exspurt
There are two main dangerous types that thrive in the chalky environment in climbing gyms: The Lurker and The Exspurt.
The High/Low Approach, Part III: Are You In or Are You Out?
I figured that it might be prudent to let people know whether or not the High/Low style of training is for you.
Kickball, Summer Trips, Upcoming Reviews, and the Official Start of the Season.
Just a couple of quick notes to get me back into the swing of keeping you all updated on what's going on here...